Last night we all danced together in the rain for THE ENTIRE 3.5 HOUR SHOW in foxy Foxborough MA!! We’ve had rain shows at Gillette Stadium before but this was a full on deluge that never let up, I just want to thank that iconic crowd!! Love you so much you have no idea ???
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) May 21, 2023
Shocking News of second statue attack
Residents were shocked to receive the news of the destruction of statue of the Virgin Mary in the grounds St Mark’s Parish Church Springfield.
A year to the week since their statue of Our Lady was shattered in a “mindless act of vandalism,” Springfield parish in Tallaght, Co. Dublin has seen the same statue of Mary decapitated this week.
— The Irish Catholic (@IrishCathNews) May 22, 2023
If anyone has any details about this vandalism contact Tallaght Gardai on (01) 666 6082.
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Happy International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is an annual global holiday on March 8 that celebrates amazing women worldwide. There are plenty of meaningful ways to embrace the day: You might consider shopping at woman-owned businesses, sending International Women’s Day flowers to some of your female role models or just being in total awe of the women in your life and worldwide.
“Women are made to be loved, not understood.” – Oscar Wilde

Welcome to Tallaght
Failte go Tamhlacht

Tallaght is the largest settlement, and county town , of South Dublin, Ireland and the largest satellite town of Dublin. The central village area was the site of a monastic settlement from at least the 8th century, which became one of medieval Ireland’s more important monastic centres.
Up to the 1960s, Tallaght was a small village in the old County Dublin linked to several nearby rural areas which were part of the large civil parish of the same name – the local council estimates the population then to be 2,500,
Which now in 2023 Tallaghts population is an estimated 75,000.
Did you know ? That in April 2018 Tallaght had its first ever ‘Welcome to Tallaght’ sign erected just off the M50 for the Tallaght exit and just 3 days later the sign had gone missing? Why do you think that was ?

Earthquake in turkey, Syria
Tuesday 07/02/2023
Current death toll tops 5000
Wednesday 08/02/2023
Current death toll tops 10,000

Tens of thousands of people who are now left homeless facing many of nights now in the cold,
The survivors cried out for help from within mountains of debris,
The countries worst earthquake disaster since 1939 that saw 33,000 people killed.
Read more about this tragic incident from the link below

Thinking about making a video for a project portfolio or even making one up and testing it out as a hobby ?
VEED.IO Could be the exact website you’re looking for, this website has everything you need to make the perfect video,
Tricks & Tools such as
Cutting / Trimming
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The list goes on & on with what you can do with your video, A must try
Lá Fhéile Bríde

Saint Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland is the patroness saint of Ireland, and one of its three national saints along with Patrick and Columba. According to medieval Irish hagiographies, she was an abbess who founded the important abbey of Kildare, as well as several other convents of nuns

Brigid’s cross or Brigit’s cross is a small variant of the cross often woven from straw or rushes. It appears in many different shapes, but the most popular designs feature a woven diamond or lozenge in the centre.